My name is Varuna. I’ve been a storyteller since I was a child, telling descriptive and thrilling fibs to get myself out of trouble; by any means necessary. 

Since then, I’ve redirected my talents to writing, reviewing diverse stories and learning to adapt my copywriting to an org’s specific tone-of-voice.

I now use my powers for good. I want to make content showcasing our diverse world I want to make people feel things again. 

You’ll find my writing and theatre-making pursuits on the left. Email me or reach out on Linkedin if you want to be creative together. 


DOC 234—34/2

DEUS:   088/26812—81
REX-13: 978-0882681/283
Etiam euismod elit id nisl lacinia commodo. Donec non neque quis mauris malesuada ultricies. Sed posuere sem velit, nec vestibulum enim laoreet a. Duis imperdiet egestas pulvinar, In gravida turpis arcu, et semper nisl pellentesque est.

Nunc blandit nunc mi, eu ultrices justo tempor a. Pellentesque rhoncus tempor convallis. Nulla semper tortor non elementum vulputate. Donec lectus nibh, euismod sed lectus quis, pretium dapibus dolor. Mauris ut massa ante. Sed eu sapien non lorem eleifend auctor a id quam. Suspendisse id lacinia erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.